Youth For Development is a six month long rural internship program offered in partnership with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)*. The program offers young people the opportunity to develop skills and gain valuable experience in the development sector as well as to contribute to the development issues by interning in an NGO in India. The YfD volunteers receive training, mentoring and a monthly stipend throughout the period of their internship.
A learning opportunity for young people
Yfd would offer an intensive learning opportunity for young people at two levels. At one level, Pravah, along with partner organisations would be involved in design and facilitation of inspiring learning initiatives for these young volunteers, through trainings, structured placement, on line supervision and evaluation. Secondly, the volunteers would undergo experiential and intensive learning through their work placements and interaction with the organisation/community that they are placed with.
Contribution to Communities/Organisations

Volunteers would be recruited, trained and placed in organisations such that they can meaningfully contribute to the work done by these organisations through the duration of their placement.


Time Duration

l       Actual Placements:  6 months

·         Trainings prior to actual placements 2 weeks

·         Debrief Workshop 4 days


YfD Volunteer Fundraising

Volunteers must fundraise a minimum of Rs 5000/- towards the cost of their placement. Guidance and support will be given on how to plan and implement your own fundraising activities.

The programme will pay for travel, accommodation, food, medical costs, training and a stipend.

For more information please call us at (0141) 4030356, 9828222234  or mail us at

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